
These provide text conversions according to RFC 4648.

Base64 encoding support notes

Support for urlsafe coding

In this mode, #- instead of #+ and #_ is used instead of #/. For this coding to work, the padding should be turned off during encoding (so there's no #=:s in the output). Also known as the "Base64 with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet" aka base64url of RFC 4648.

Support for presence and absence of end padding

Supports both the older encoding with padding, and the unpadded form that's slightly smaller, that is gaining popularity in decoders currently, currently implemented in decoders such as that of Ecmascript 5 and the apache-commons Java library. We imitate this functionality, while offering the option of not outputting padding on encoding, as well as requiring padding on decoding.

Basically the requirement for padding on base64encoded was motivated by the scarce nature of computing resources in the 1980:s. Today there's a move toward not requiring the padding, as reflected for instance in Ecmascript 5's spec to produce the padding on encode but not to require it on decode.

For some more references see:

To use the bindings from this module:

(import :std/text/base64)


(base64-string->u8vector str [nopadding-ok?: #t] [urlsafe?: #f]) -> u8vector

  str           := string to convert
  nopadding-ok? := boolean to disable padding
  urlsafe?      := boolean to enable urlsafe coding

Returns a newly allocated u8vector with Base64 encoded contents of str. Optional keyword arguments control how the conversion is done. If nopadding-ok? is #t (default) the value is converted. If urlsafe? is #t, the result is URL encoded as specified in RFC 4648. ...


(base64-substring->u8vector str start end [nopadding-ok?: #t] [urlsafe?: #f]) ->

  str           := string of Base64 data
  start         := exact integer starting index
  end           := exact integer ending index
  nopadding-ok? := boolean to disable padding
  urlsafe?      := boolean to enable urlsafe coding

Returns a newly allocated u8vector containing Base64 encoded value of str from start to end like base64-string->u8vector.


(u8vector->base64-string u8vect [width: 0] [padding?: #t] [urlsafe?: #f]) -> string

  u8vect   := u8vector to convert
  width    := exact integer for padding width
  padding? := boolean to enable padding
  urlsafe? := boolean to enable urlsafe coding

Returns a newly allocated Base64 string with bytes of u8vect in left-to-right order to Base64 encoded string.


(subu8vector->base64-string u8vect start end [width: 0] [padding?: #t] [urlsafe?: #f]) -> string

  u8vect   := u8vector to encode data from
  start    := exact integer starting index
  end      := exact integer end index
  width    := exact integer for padding width
  padding? := boolean to enable padding
  urlsafe? := boolean to enable urlsafe coding

Returns a newly allocated string with bytes of u8vect Base64 encoded in left-to-right order from start to end.


(base64-decode str [nopadding-ok?: #t] [urlsafe: #f]) -> u8vector

This is an alias for base64-string->u8vector. See its definition for details.


(base64-decode-substring str start end [nopadding-ok?: #t] [urlsafe: #f]) -> u8vector

This is an alias for base64-substring->u8vector. See its definition for details.


(base64-encode u8vect [width: 0] [padding: #t] [urlsafe: #f]) -> string

This is an alias for u8vector->base64-string. See its definition for details.


(base64-encode-subu8vector u8vect start end [width: 0] [padding?: #t] [urlsafe?: #f]) -> string

This is an alias for subu8vector->base64-string. See its definition for details.